Brandon's Blog



For the first time in a long time, I looked up and thought to myself, “I’m here.”


Once You mod_wsgi You'll Never Go Back

PHP is quite a language.  I’m glad I know it and know how to use it, but in all but the basic shared hosting scenario there are certainly better options.


Gelecekten Bir Gün

This movie was filmed in our apartment.  I apparently rode the elevator up with the male lead.  He was goofy.



This site may be awarded the 2009 Mackie award for “Best Site Serving an Important Niche Need.”


A Doff of the Cap

Snopes humbled me today, as I had completely no idea I was thinking of this the wrong way forever.

Also, it’s been forever since I’ve written and I am to amend this.  Work has been less than peaceful over the last few weeks.


Ads Absurdum

What’s with those online ads where the Spanish-speaking girl says “Hola” and the frat guy says “Hello,” and then there is a Tower of Babel moment, then we are offered a method of translating the other side of the conversation?  Does this solve the core problem here?

It’s like the corporate world: “Our people don’t version their files!”


In the tradition of Cory Doctorow, now you have two problems.

Well, you really have one problem, but you’re being redirected to the second, and please click the link if you are not redirected within 10 seconds.  Oops, you don’t have permission to access the second problem.

Please contact the administrator.



My next mortgage payment is due when we’re back in the US for the holidays.

See you all soon!


Not Only That

So I said I won the cell phone yesterday.  What I didn’t know is this involved my name being printed in one of the major newspapers of the whole country, Hürriyet.  The mall took out an ad to announce the winners.

I luckily came across a spare copy from yesterday and so have preserved the moment.


Will Wonders Never Cease

I bought Kristin a present at a mall here, and they had a promotion that granted me a number of raffle-type lottery tickets.  There were two Audis, a couple vacation packages, twenty-five televisions, and fifty cell phones.

I found out today I won a cell phone!

In cruel linguistic irony, the information desk girl’s repeat attempts to say “We’ll call you” sounded a lot to me like “We’ll pick up the telephone.”  I was expecting a handover on the spot, but I’m left to wait in anticipation.

We repeated this dance a few times before I realized she was saying “arayacak” not “alacak” (“will call” versus “will take/receive”).  Verbs are tough here.

It’s an LG Cookie.  I’m going off a 1cm picture, but it looks to be a new model.

Seems like an iPhone equivalent sans 802.11.  It has a touchscreen, and I can plug a 16GB SD card in to make it an iPod Touch.  Between the Nokia candybar I got Kristin and this, I’m afraid fate is blasting me toward a data contract when we get back to the States.


Drug War

This article was fascinating to me.

Just like our War on Terror, the War on Drugs to me reveals a structural problem.  My definition of a structural problem is a problem that would exist even if every member of the cast of characters was removed and replaced.

Structural problems must ultimately have some engine running behind them (otherwise, they would go away when you replaced the people).  For “terror” it is basically resentment if not vengeance in some cases.  For drugs it’s money, and maybe power.

If you imprison or kill the drug bosses, there is a period of imbalance where a lot of people will get killed, then the power will shake out and you’ll have a new set of characters playing the same roles.  This will happen so long as there is an acceptable return associated with the vast, nearly incomprehensible risk of running such a business.

Return is based on willingness to pay and willingness to provide, measured relatively.  Given the nature of drug demand and addiction, messing with willingness to pay is basically senseless (DARE is probably the best that is done, sadly enough).  The folks proposing legalization with a steep drug tax are also playing with this very small lever.

But now we’re seeing this intractable situation where you can put a slug through every bad guy’s head when you catch them, yet people would still pile in to earn that return.  In short, to them the money is worth more than their lives.

This is also the magic of the virgins and paradise.  This is cheap because the deal doesn’t even have to be sweetened with earthly resources.

Plus, this is cocaine and heroin, so not exactly the same as letting a 21 year old smoke a $20 doob in his dorm.  These drugs take a serious toll on society.  Orange pigeons telling guys to jump through glass store windows and the like.  OD cases clogging the emergency rooms.

So let’s just assume we don’t want to go the $500 per gram route with a vibrant and vigorous black market.

I didn’t write this with the intent to answer this question.

Let’s sing Kum-Bay-Yah for a moment: I propose the best and possibly only solution to this problem is actually to make the bad guys love life so much that they no longer want to die to further a profitable cause.

Isn’t that the real problem?  Otherwise, the profit potential and inelastic demand will keep this thing going forever.

Would an investment banker (quite aware of return and risk) quit his job to run cocaine?  Of course not.  He immediately sees images of his life passing in front of him.  Kids, wife, future, retirement.  This stuff doesn’t exist for people enabling these problems.  In the wealthy sections of the world, risk of being an accomplice (say, paying others to do this) is prohibitive.

So let’s drop Ayn Rand tracts from airplanes over Bogata.

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