A Strange Thing
As I’m preparing to leave for an extended break, I thought about a funny phenomenon here in the office.
Things are very ad hoc and often hectic here, and there aren’t always enough chairs around to seat people in conference rooms and around desks. There is never really an excess of things in this country, so stuff like this is normally run on the bare metal.
But when you’re gone for a day or two, it’s almost inevitable that somebody will steal your chair and not bring it back. Or at the very best, they’ll bring back a chair that isn’t yours.
Since I’m on the tall side here, I almost always have to adjust all the settings (height of armrests, etc.) as soon as I sit down.
Chairs are kind of personal in the States. It feels kind of strange to have your chair gone when you walk into the place after a few days off. It’s like the world completely moved on around you. In some ways, I guess it did.