And To Forsake All Recreation
Evenings recently have been essentially 100% occupied by cleaning, sorting, and throwing things away. This is the kingpin strategy for the big move: have less to reposition.
Not that we’re planning to haul much across the Atlantic, but also not that we know what we’ll be expected to haul. Still no paperwork. Typing the prior sentence prompted me to call HR, so there’s a follow-up e-mail being dispatched as we speak.
While ever the HR cynic, this whole process has left me somewhat jaded with what I had naively thought was the “mature adult work process.” I began to imagine this nonexistent phenomenon when we were apartment and furniture shopping, as everyone seemed stunned that we always tried to finalize things early and were ready to deal with heavy bureaucracy. I imagined things just ran smoother and more efficient.
Turns out those people just weren’t organized enough to deal with things ahead of time.
So, the ultimate conclusion is that the customers may always be right, but they are certainly expected to be the flexible ones. If they want it early, you show up early. If it’s late, they won’t deal until last-minute.
[The e-mail was delightfully forceful, by the bye.]