Brandon's Blog



I finally got a chance to use one of those nice boutique functions from Excel: CHOOSE.

CHOOSE takes a one-based index as its first argument, followed by an unrestricted-length list of arguments covering the gamut of that index’s expected range.  In other words, if you expected the index to range from 1 to 4, you would provide four arguments following the index.  CHOOSE selects the index’th argument and returns it.

Now, nothing is ever completely simple, so my task was actually to report a different string of text depending on the state of two cells, either of which could be 0 or 1.  Meaning: “00” = “No activity”, “10” = “Historical”, “01” = “New”, “11” = “Continuous”.  One more typical Excel way of dealing with this is to make a mapping table with the aforementioned four options, then do a VLOOKUP.  But to avoid that, you can use CHOOSE as long as you can boil those four 0/1 permutations into a single index.

Well, 0 and 1 look like binary, so you can kind of do a A1+2*B1+1, if your 0/1 cells are in A1 and B1 for example.  This converts the different pairs of 0 and 1 into an index from 1 to 4.  Bingo.

Then, it’s just: =CHOOSE(A1+2*B1+1,"No activity","Historical","New","Continuous")

No maps needed!