Brandon's Blog



As of Sunday, March 6, I will once again become a Comcast sucker… I mean, customer.  The little “online chat” they make you go through at the end took almost an hour this morning, and the most interesting part went like this:

Marian > That is fine. The dual tuner Cable Card is for $8.50/mo.
Brandon_ > I understood the first cablecard should be free.  And, also, it needs to be able to tune 4 channels.
Marian > To verify, you only need the one free Cable Card for the main TV, correct?
Brandon_ > That’s correct.  I will not even use the cable box.
Marian > Perfect!

That takes some nerve, right there.  I don’t know how their lawyers would spin this, but it’s FCC regulation that every subscriber is entitled to one free CableCard.  I read online that some people are charged a spurious $1.79 or so, but this $8.50 is a slap in the face.  Kind of scary, in a way, that all it took was to question this to knock off $100 of cost per year.