Brandon's Blog


Finally Watched the Dang Super Bowl

I’m going to dive headfirst into a sea of media this morning, because I finally finished the Super Bowl last night.

The Marmara Pera has a t-t-t-t-t-terri-buffering-ble net connection, and we can’t stream video reliably to save our lives (even when the quality has been dialed down to where it looks like your laptop is covered in peanut oil).

In other news, from the Reddit comments this morning:

I will upvote every yo dawg until the universe collapses on itself. It is the very essence of comment tomfoolery.

I have edited multiple paragraphs of explanation for this, but suffice it to say I feel the same way about the “yo dawg I herd u like X so i put an X in your X so you can X while you X” structure.

Actually had a conversation last night with Kristin about the “wazzuuup” fad associated with the Super Bowl Budweiser commercials (waxing poetic about the old days of good commercials).  I’m ready for a comeback on that, but I think the rest of the world needs a few more years yet.