Brandon's Blog


Görmek Yasaktır

I just got AT&T SmartFilter’ed for “Adult/Sex” going to to check out the ebook reader for Palm OS.  This is out of hand.

Also: the fact that AT&T has managed to find two ways to take the hot poker to me, even in Turkey, is astounding to me.

Learning from AT&T hot poker #1: when a collections agency says to you, “Go ahead and pay, we’ll hit you back once the misunderstanding is resolved,” just think of Faust picking up the pen.  Even if the guy is cool and from Colorado.  It’s an act.  He’s really a tax accountant from Tempe or something.

AT&T also blocks Project Gutenberg’s website as a “bandwidth hog.”  So, I can get a 10 MB e-mail that went out to the entire Turkish organization, but I can’t take a look at a 100kb public domain eBook in plain text format?

The local intranet homepage is 200kb, which normally wouldn’t count, but we’re on a VPN to the Netherlands, so our “th1n p1p3” gets action from that, as well.