Hello, My Name Is...
I normally feel like I struggle in these situations, but I did alright this time: Somebody walked up to me in the hallway and said, “So you sit somewhere around here?” I thought that was an interesting lead-off for somebody I’ve never met, so I clarified where I sat and subsequently introduced myself. Turns out I look like some engineer elsewhere in the complex. My being a doppelganger engineer was not excellent fodder for conversation, so that little meeting adjourned quickly.
Today I made significant progress in attempting to define a subsequent role in terms of doing what I’m actually meant to do. I imagine myself as being the sort of corporate technical/business hybrid version of Winston “The Wolf” Wolfe, the mob guy in Pulp Fiction they called to clean up after they shot Marvin in the car.
My planning project (the VBScript monster), having passed over 600 lines today, is a major argument in that direction. For the second time in as many weeks, I was asked how I ended up in my current job given the skills I have. When you’re macro programming in Excel, it’s easy to treat it as advanced spreadsheet skills. What I’m doing now is real programming, at least as real as it can get writing VBScript plugged into IE and Excel.