Hyper-Clickers Anonymous
There may not be any ivy growing on my diplomas, but I strongly object to the New York Times assuming the highlighting of a word implies I don’t know what the word means, and darn it, while they’re at it, that I sure would like them to look it up for me. ‘Cause we’re pretty stoopid down Sowff.
Have you considered I might be bored and waiting for you to get to the point, Mr. Harvard?
What’s more, triple-click means “highlight paragraph” in this brave new world, and flashing a little short-lived question mark bubble up there and then canceling my highlight is simply not cool. It’s my OCD and I’ll keep it where it is, thank you. At least I stopped rotating my cursor counter-clockwise while I wait for your stupid flash ads to load.
Apparently, being up in the ivory tower puts you quite a bit closer to Daniel Webster’s spiritual mien. Well, have fun up there, Smedley. Don’t get a nose bleed.