Brandon's Blog



Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Joe Martinez, the citizen, the scholar, the patriot, the legend.

Joe is just a regular Joe, who bought a house at twice his city’s median home selling price.  At the stated average $130/sqft., it is probably safe to assume the $600,000 house is likely over 4,500 square feet.

Joe can afford his mortgage but has his panties in a wad because his current estimated property value sunk 25% off irrational pre-recession levels.  He feels as though he is throwing his money away funding an investment that could not be sold immediately for profit.

I would assume, getting a better feeling for dipsticks like this, this means he is mad he can’t pull on a home equity line during the crisis.

Get this: he wants federal aid, to compensate his dumb ass for investing in something that is off 25% from its peak value.  He stopped paying his mortgage so he would look poor enough to claim aid!

The stock market is off over 50% over the same period!  The whole world is down 50% on their savings and this idiot is mad he’s investing into a 25% loser.  Maybe at the bottom!  And he gets a sniffle and snob on CNN for this!  Joesy-Posey is getting screwed by the government because his attempt to defraud an already hopelessly ridiculous aid system failed!

Berkshire Hathaway is down 48% off its peak!  Sounds like Joe picked a good place to put his money right now.

This man has cash, doesn’t seem to need additional leverage, and he feels like he needs an influx of government equity (read: handout) to compensate him for his temporary losses.  Temporary!

If what you’re feeling is temporary (meaning, you’re liquid but don’t feel solvent at present), you need to crack open a Bud, flick on the tube, and ride this sucker out.  If you’re about to put your kids under a bridge because your company folded up, let’s talk.

Please, let’s talk.

But, no matter what you feel about the concept or efficacy of various bailouts, do not ever, ever, ever allow a worthless piece of scum like this to become the spokesperson for the American spirit.

He’s not even worth the food he would be given for free in prison.

Move, Joe, move far away.  I’m sure someone will take you, appreciate you, but get the hell out of my country.  Don’t look back, and if you have any like-thinking friends take them with you.

That is all.  Now to get my blood pressure back down.