Brandon's Blog



Christmas 2012 falls into the ideal schedule of a Monday Christmas Eve.  Swapping in an alternating off-Friday gives you a five day weekend.

First Law of Photo Printing at Target: Yes, the machine is broken.

I have always felt like one of the reasons to rhyme poetry and music is to feel a sense of purpose, almost predestination, to the content.  If it fits well enough to rhyme, it’s meant to be.

Picking a greeting card is like doing this at a pro level, only instead of rhyming it’s trying to align with someone else’s thoughts.

Second Law of Photo Printing at Target: No, we don’t know how to fix it.

The $1 section at Target is ingenious in its value to teachers and others needing tchotchkes, but it’s almost having a Wal-Mart zone right at the entrance.  I’m surprised that the micromanaged feel of the Target experience chooses to accommodate that.

Gewgaw, which can be typed with only the left hand, is a synonym of tchotchke.

You can also type tchotchke with only the left hand, but you have to move around a lot and have really good aim.

Some sub-$100 webcams now have webservers built in.  I hate when I can buy things better, faster, and cheaper than I intended to cobble together as a project out of freebie scrap.

I get creeped out by greeting cards that get too specific.  Especially the “we’ve been through so much” category.  When it gets that personal, there are only two words you need to know: “Blank Inside.”

When I built my first media center PC in college, I had thermal problems for the first time ever.  I vowed never again to allow myself to have thermal problems with a computer.  I have had thermal problems with every computer I’ve built since then, with increasing severity.

The micromanaged feel of Target cannot accommodate a standard red rubber plunger with a wooden handle, as the flimsy lime green plastic one in my garage can attest.

I don’t see how foreigners can ever understand helping verbs in English.  I’m sure they have been having to have lessons on having helping verbs in their sentences.

Trying to hide a speaker system in a small storage hassock has both acoustic and aesthetic problems that make it essentially prohibitive on both counts.

The premium the market is currently willing to pay for portability and compactness makes a high-end unsubsidized cellphone be twice as expensive as a decent netbook.

Tablet PCs are pure potential, but in most cases that’s almost where they stop for now.

When they come out with a foldable Kindle with integrated front- or back-lighting, I’m in.

The psychology that goes into wearing a set of golden teeth caps encrusted with diamonds probably merits entire volumes of explanation.

Remember when iPods were so new and popular that 50 Cent was flashing his like bling in his videos?

Dreams where your teeth fall out indicate a subconscious feeling of powerlessness.  I, on the other hand, typically have the “unprepared” genre of bad dreams, although my teeth did fall out one time.

When I have a “falling” dream, I’m normally just taking a standard step rather than dealing with some kind of precipice.  I still awake with that sinking feeling, so to speak.

The Big Bang Theory tiptoes along the nexus of ridiculing a group of people while retaining those same people as perhaps their biggest fan base.

Databases these days do so much sharding and caching that it’s almost an impressive surprise when a change is reflected immediately.  It’s also a potential indication that the site would totally blow up if its user base increased tenfold.