Brandon's Blog



Although as I type this the whole site is rebuilding itself (and will be for a few more hours), I’m proud to announce that Clarity has been replaced by  This is being served by my Raspberry Pi (now using a stable, high-speed SD card).

It’s implemented just as planned.  btsync synchronizes my photos from my desktop to the Raspberry Pi.  Then, a custom Python script identifies all starred photos using the picasa.ini file in each folder and creates a “staging area,” which is a version of my photo library that only includes symlinks back to starred photos and excludes unstarred photos.  Then, Sigal processes the staging area, generating reduced-size and thumbnail-size versions of the staged photos, along with accompanying pretty HTML galleries.

This will all update nightly (incrementally, as needed) via cron script.  I’m quite proud of the results, and hopefully they will be up and ready to go in the morning!