Brandon's Blog


Porting Cluster

In the great tradition of using slow days at work to hack on Cluster, I am probably about half finished with a Python/Werkzeug port of Cluster 2.0 for the new server.  This implementation will feature previewing of posts to catch formatting issues, the much better text processor that uneventfully powers Efendi, a superior backend due to using Python’s loveable built-in functionality for making things nice, and a general lack of PHP cruft that plagued the old version.

I also have, in a promotional Shell FuelSave notebook (get the most out of every drop!), sketched out the final architectural component for Efendi.  Since this addition (RSS feed aggregation) will in part actually serve to integrate Cluster into the main blog view, I hope to roll it out maybe this weekend.

This addition should also allow for announcements of new contributions to our growing collection of photos, Sigma code commits, and the like.  This is very exciting, and it will take Efendi to a 1.0 that I can rest easily having completed.

Once those are completed, the Sigma Designer app is astonishingly one of the more prominent things on my to-do list at this point.