The Aprons of Silence
My favorite poem, “Aprons of Silence” by Carl Sandburg, starts with: “Many things I might have said today / And I kept my mouth shut.”
I have a few silly stories to tell that I’d rather not tell online despite their harmlessness. Ask me about them in person sometime.
Silly stories might be my only trade right now. Things are running pretty slowly. My current job is good, but I’m struggling to envision my future at this moment. It doesn’t mean it’s not there, but I can’t completely see it right now.
Aside from it being a significant emotional stress on me, elements of Turkey turned out to be my true calling as far as I can tell. It’s hard to find out if the good stuff could ever exist in relative isolation from the uncomfortable stuff I experienced in Turkey. I think it might, but I don’t know how or where.
I’m trying to see how a line management track, which is my path now in all probability, would get me somewhere similar to this vision. Again, it might be able to happen. Especially in a big shop, there are lots of corners that can have a weird nexus of opportunity.
It just turned out that my IT bent, which I always knew to be my love in life, might be a bit more commercializable than I originally thought. I got a taste of a kind of IT divorced from both the disgusting corporate bureaucracy and the pure technical (which I love but don’t know if I could do for a living, a reservation I’ve had since high school).
Kind of like being a COBOL programmer, the Grand Canyon will probably touch magma before this type of trade dies out.
My education path never implied that I would find a stable career path, effectively nurturing a Jekyll and Hyde yin-yang between technical and finance (which is also technical in my eyes). But my preference is to be stable. The fact that I can’t get this off my mind says it should probably stay there.