Brandon's Blog


The Odyssey: One for the Books (Part 2)

It was hard to do an update when everything started sucking, which was relatively soon after I wrote Part 1.  Now things are looking clearer.

We in fact did not get a flight into Heathrow today, nor did just about anyone else in the world.  They may just now start letting a few long-hauls take off.  We could have made it to Heathrow via a very expensive train ride directly from Leeds (the station is across the street from our hotel), but my feeling is that those long-hauls taking off today are about clearing the airport rather than fixing our problem.

The BA website’s flight status suggests an early-morning flight to Heathrow tomorrow morning (based on prior experience the website gives a “best case” view that the crew/hotel/support is generally not willing to offer to the real people).  I think it’s reasonable to foresee a morning to mid-afternoon flight to Heathrow, a shot at a long-haul in the evening, or a strong possibility of escaping Heathrow Tuesday that we can probably hang our hats on.

We’ll see…