Brandon's Blog


This Is Where It Falls Apart

I plopped down on the bed this evening to do some computer work and was startled as the second to last functional handmade slat (the original cheap-o ones failed long ago) cracked in half and sent me hurtling down at a 10-20 degree decline toward the floor.  Building and setting them up was tricky, but trying to fish them out in pieces without disassembling the room was harder.

In addition to the rest of the emerging packing chaos, we now have a scrap lumber pile.

We just set the box spring directly on the floor inside the bed frame.  This is a solution that will have to last at maximum three nights more, so no reason to take any further action.  That’s the basic attitude right now for most stuff.

The logistical timing dance is set now.  I’m definitely finding that the trick is to make a careful inventory of the items to abandon.  We had to go to the store tonight, for example, to buy two throwaway blankets to use on the inflatable beds, which are also now throwaway.  We by no means will have suitcase room for bedding, so anything that stays past Friday has to be left behind.  We will donate everything to the refugees, so that nullifies the waste element.

There are now blue Post-It notes marking the items that should not ship.  We’re doing a really good job this time around.  Our handling of the embarkation was quite successful, but this one has the greased feeling of experience.  I still don’t know how we will structure the air shipment, but I assume it will be heavy on clothing and semi-essential tech items.

Apparently, technically, some contractor has not yet approved another contractor to start packing our stuff on Thursday.  We’ll see how all that goes.  Nobody will authorize my purchase of our return tickets.  Other than that, I think we’re basically okay.

The move-out coordination guy comes tomorrow to plan the nail-hole patching.  It’s starting to come to a close.

On Sunday we receive our last house guest, who is now humorously invited to my farewell party at work.  That should be a hoot.