Two Musings
- I am considering purchasing the domain, so I can just push on through my frequent typo without worrying. I might also get a legal name change to Bradnon, so I can type above 50wpm and retain the correct name.
- I can’t quite find the correct news site.
realclearpolitics to me is one of the best, but as the name says it is mostly concerned with political issues. I like being able to read a Mother Jones and American Spectator article about the same subject using adjacent links. I just wish there could be some more standard news. realclearworld misses this mark as well, and realclearnews redirects to a cyber-squatter.
Reuters often takes a more subtle but similar approach to Fox Business when they report on disasters and the like, basically quoting changes to a fertilizer company’s stock when a militia guy detonates a bomb. At least they don’t change the S’es out for $’s in their headlines.
You have to change the CNN “edition” to International to avoid reading funny cat stories and iReport crowdsourcing all day, and then they force your sports section to cricket and “football” just to spite the Americans trying to find a decent news source. The Kate Middleton stories also become even more annoyingly omnipresent at this point.
I try CNNMoney, which gives another similar-to-Reuters feel at times (and is solely financial news, or whatever fresh dung they rake over from Fortune), and I also bear the cost of having to imagine bashing Paul LaMonica’s face in with a croquet mallet, which can’t be heart- or brain-healthy on a long-term basis. really seems alright, but, ironically, I try to shoot for a more balanced news slate. Not to say they don’t basically report the straight news (especially online), but I would rather get my information from a place any hypothetical ideological opponents would not roll their eyes over.
Local news is awful…